Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Husband

In case you were wondering about the other one-third of the baby love triangle, here he is (with me, of course; where else would he be?):


Anonymous said...

um..yeah...i just came across this site...i typed "speckulator" in at google and came across this nifty site...good luck...i'll be reading your upcoming misadventures...

Jamie said...

Much like a new shopkeeper displays the business's first dollar bill, usually from mom, I'm displaying my very first comment, from none other than "anonymous" Rob--though I think this might be more like a take-a-penny, leave-a-penny dish.

And now he's insisting that I give him posting access, after I've done all the arduous work setting up this thing!


Eibbor said...

I'd like to think I'm more important than just the first dollar bill. I'm more of the "jackpot" variety. After all, without me, we wouldn't have a Speck to spekulate about here at The Speckulator (which by the way, was my suggestion).