Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Maybe I should do that?

"that" being, have a blog about thrift store/yard sale treasures, as I've just spent a good half-hour looking at the treasures of others. I get enough good stuff, don't I? Perhaps I shall try this week...planning on shopping for my birthday treat--thrift and yard, of course. Though I really do want a new immersion blender, which may just be a gift by way of my father-in-law's birthday check...

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Seriously? A YEAR since I posted last?

I know that no one reads this but Rob and me (yeah, I read my own posts), but really? COME ON! So, here's a pic of the Speck, all 30+ lbs. of him, coated in melted chocolate ice cream:

Just as the advent of e-mail has led to the decline of letter-writing and telephone-calling, I think the advent of Facebook has led to the decline of e-mailing and blogging, at least for me! Hopefully, I'll be a bit better...